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Doors in modern office

Stay compliant with Door Support North East's help

We keep up to date with the latest training and legislation through membership and accreditation with relevant bodies, including BM Trada and ADSA. 

Aluminium shop fronts

An accredited team here to support you

We're an experienced firm committed to helping Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, County Durham, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough and North Yorkshire stay compliant with their doors and shutters. Understanding the various guidelines and your responsibilities may seem complicated, but Door Support North East boasts a team of accredited engineers to make it simple. Contact us to learn more about our accreditations and what they mean for your system. 


ADSA - Automatic Door Systems

BM Trada Q Mark Fire Door Maintenance Logo

BM Trada Q Mark Scheme - Fire Doors

Chas logo

CHAS - Health and Safety

DHF new logo

Door & Hardware Federation

- Roller Shutters

ConstructionLine logo

Constructionline - Health and Safety

BM Trada Q Mark Fire Door Maintenance Logo
DHF Logo

Automatic Door Suppliers Association

Door Support are long time members of ADSA, the trade body formed to establish quality and safety standards for the powered pedestrian door industry. Our engineers take part in their training course to ensure they have the knowledge to maintain and install compliant automatic door systems.



BM Trada Q Mark Scheme

We believe that the only way to ensure competence when working on fire doors is accreditation through a third-party scheme such as a Q Mark by BM Trada. Regular independent auditing of our work allows us to provide a complete solution from the initial survey through to installation and certification.



Doors & Hardware Federation

Door Support are full members of, and have been trained by, the DHF and are certified to service, maintain and install roller shutters, smoke curtains, sectional doors and many other industrial shutters and doors.

More information about our industry accreditations

Shutter door inside factory, night scene

Services from a team you can trust.

Call 0191 214 5655 to discuss how our team can assist you today. 


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